Now accepting applicants for Fall 2025! Classes begin September 8th.
River School of Ministry is a fully accredited Bible School where the Word and the Spirit come together to fully equip people of all backgrounds and nationalities to launch into the ministry God has called them to. The mandate the Lord gave our President, Pastor Tony, was to raise up an army!
We believe that the army is here and ready for the call to training! The time is now. Jesus is coming soon! The School of Ministry will train and prepare men and women of God to learn the truths of God’s Word and the power it holds to set the captives free. Graduates of the RCB (River Church Baltimore) School of Ministry will be prepared within 2 years to launch into their own full time 5 fold ministry or to be raised up as a pillar and leader in their home church, utilizing all the gifts of the Spirit God has given them. There’s both classroom teaching and hands-on experience.
This is more than a Bible School.
This is a Holy Spirit boot camp that is raising revivalists for the last days that will not compromise or bow their knee to this world’s system. Classes are loaded with Scriptures and profound teaching and examples. Students will experience ministry at its finest as they actively participate in every facet of the ministry, from planning to preaching.
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Say yes to the call of God on your life today and enroll into the Charter Class of RCB’s School of Ministry!
Will you go?
Class Schedule
Monday and Wednesday at 6:30pm & Saturdays at 12:00pm
Submission & Authority
Bible Doctrines
Christian Lifestyle
Love Walk
Financial Prosperity
Revival History
Helps & The Local Church
The Great Physician
Holy Spirit
The Call of God
Loyalty & Disloyalty
The Supernatural
Spiritual Inheritance
Old Testament Survey
Tabernacle of Moses
Church Government
New Testament Survey
Angel & Demons
The Bait of Satan
The Fear of the Lord
Church Administration
Soul Winning Labs
Ministry of Helps Labs
Outreaches & Crusades
Hands on Ministry Experience
Top Ministerial Book Readings
Submission & Authority
Helps & The Local Church
Bible Doctrines
Financial Prosperity
Church History
Christian Lifestyle
Church Government
The Holy Spirit
The Great Physician
Gifts of the Spirit
Old Testament Survey
Worship As a Lifestyle
Tabernacle of Moses
New Testament Survey
Blood Covenant
Soul Winning Labs
Ministry of Helps Labs
Angels & Demons
The Bait of Satan
Preparation for Ministry
The Minister's Family
Church Planting 101
Church Administration
The Believer's Authority
Soul Winning Labs
Ministry of Helps Labs
Outreaches & Crusades
Hands on Ministry Experience
Top Ministerial Book Readings
Have Questions? Get them answered here.
RCB School of ministry is located in Towson, Maryland. About 20 minutes from Baltimore!
Once you apply, you will receive a FREE BIBLE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP! We believe that it is important for students to graduate without debt so that they can graduate and fulfill the call of God on their lives! Tuition is completely paid for! Students will just need to pay a general fee of $300 and cover their books!
Yes! After successfully completing 3 years of Bible School, students will receive a Bachlor's degree in Ministry!
Yes! RCB School of Ministry is accredited through Transworld Accrediting Commission International. For more information please visit
Reach out to us!
Phone: 410-205-5147
Rebecca Wiafe
RSM Student
Iydel Youssi
RSM Student
Myzuri Ayers
RSM Student